Valentines Day
Thursday February 14, 2013
Valentines Day
Tuesday February 14th, 2012
I have heard hundreds of boys asking the same question: "What should I do for Valentines Day? What are some ideas to make it special for [insert name of girl here]?"
That's where I got the inspiration for this post.
Plus I think every girl & boy deserve to have a wonderful V-day.
I know it's criticized as being too "commercialized" and what not but I LOVE Valentines Day and always will. I love love. I love this day because it is a day to celebrate love. I believe in showing love everyday including V-day... keep it going the other 364 days... but I still find that V-day is special. Now I personally have never had a Valentine on this day, never had a boy ask me to "be mine" on this day, but I love it nonetheless. I have made it a day to remember by showing my love towards others... family, friends, etc. I miss those days when we were kids and all had boxes in school and passed out Valentines to everyone and candy.
Now to the ideas... girls really aren't that complicated!
Yes, we all want those movie moments... we want guys to be like Landon Carter, Noah Calhoun, John Tyree, Jack Dawson, and Will Blakelee. It isn't an impossible dream. I will never understand why people, friends and family included, are always telling me I need to lower my standards because I'll never find a boy like that... "they don't exist" and to this I disagree. What is so wrong and hard about wanting a boy who will research my list of 100+ things to do before I die and get excited and surprise me and help me accomplish things from it, who will be inspired and in turn make his own list, who will go stargazing with me, who will kiss me in the rain, who will ask me to dance even if there is no music playing, who will write me love letters, who will take me on adventures, who will carve our initials into a tree, who will sing me songs (even if his voice is terrible), who will love me so much he wants all of me, everyday, forever?
Truth be told, it's the possibility that keeps me going... and though people may call me a dreamer or a fool or hopeless or any other thing, I believe that anything is possible. I believe in love.
Here are some incredible ideas to make your Valentines Day unforgettable...(and these can be used the other days too)
-Take her to see "Safe Haven"
-Watch a Nicholas Sparks movie or chick flick with her or her favorite movie
-Paint each other's picture (even if they look like a kindergartner's work) and get in a paint war
-Make cookies or dinner together
-Have a fancy dinner party and start a food fight
-Use your talent (we all have a talent whether it be singing, writing, painting, cooking, etc)
-Kiss her in the rain (if you're lucky enough to have it rain)
-Kiss in the snow
-Just kiss the girl!
-Go to the beach (watch the sunset there, go on a picnic, take a moonlit stroll, play in the water, build sandcastles, write in the sand)
-The classic dinner & a movie (you can go out to dinner or make it yourself, watch a movie at home or in a theater)
-Flowers: even if you just pick one from a garden (my roommates and I all came to the consensus you can't go wrong with flowers, especially on this day... girls love them)
-Write a love letter (you'll make her heart light up brighter than the moon and all the stars in the sky)
-Help her accomplish something from her bucket list, list of 100 things to do before she dies, or a goal
-Go to a carnival (if there is one where you live, ride the rides, kiss her on top of the ferris wheel, win her a silly prize)
-Dance with her (in a kitchen, any room, outside, in the middle of the street, on the sidewalk, anywhere, even if there is no music, sing a song or just dance to the soundtrack of your heartbeats)
-Go to a concert (kiss her in the middle of the crowd/fans, dance with her)
-Go swinging at a park
-Take her stargazing (makes for a perfect opportunity to get to know each other and talk)
-Go to the aquarium
-Take pictures in a photobooth
-Be chivalrous (open doors, hold her hand, keep her warm, be a gentleman)
-Throw rocks at her window (little ones, don't break it haha)
-Dress up, pretend to be engaged, make a big deal of it at dinner, tell everyone you meet and act unbelievably in love
-Ask her out (if you aren't officially dating, take a chance and ask her to be your girlfriend)
-Rent a movie, set it on mute, improvise the dialogue
-Buy flowers and hand them out to random people who look morose or lonely
-Go on a picnic (it could even be indoors, outdoors, on a beach, on a hike, at a park, or even on a random place like a rooftop)
-Take a roll of pennies and throw them into a fountain making wishes out loud
-Lie with her and just forget the world
-Go see waterfalls
-Get up early and watch the sunrise and have breakfast
-Take a tour of the house you'd someday like to own (or one like it)
-Dress up in prom clothes and go to a fast food restaurant and then bowling
-Volunteer (donate blood together, help out at an animal shelter, etc)
-Make lists together of things you want to do together in the future
-Take ballroom dancing lessons (or another form of dance)
-Have a pillow fight
-Be her miracle
-Lay in the road in the middle of the night (The Notebook style)
-Carry a boombox (or Ipod or some music device) around all night with your (and her) favorite songs to have a soundtrack playing to your night
-Find a poem that reminds you of her and read it
-Write a song or poem for her (trust me, even if you think it's "cheesy", "lame", or "terrible" she will LOVE it)
-Don't treat her like every other girl, like just the next girl in a parade of girls going on the same dates doing the exact same thing
-Nature walk & carve initials in trees
-Surprise her (make up your own amazing idea like Meredith Grey making a candlehouse)
What are your date ideas lovelies?
Girls can use these ideas too.
I hope everyone has a lovely day of love.
Whether you're single, dating, married, etc...
Have a happy day of love [or lack thereof]
I love all of you lovelies :)