Friday, August 5, 2011

Kate Walsh & Walshies Rule The World

A post called "To Change The Things I Can" I posted earlier on my blog was chosen by my role model Kate Walsh (aka Addison on Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice) to be on her website for Walshies :) Can you say I am speechless and was in tears? I was (and will forever be) overwhelmingly grateful and happy to have this honor. You can read/see it on Kate's site by clicking here. This is a dream come true. The kind comments people & Walshies all over the world are leaving me touch my heart and inspire me beyond comprehension. There is no better feeling than knowing your writing changes someone's life or touches it. 
I dedicated this post to the brilliant, beautiful, amazing-in-every-way Kate Walsh & all the Walshies. 
KATE is the most beautiful gal ever--inside & out! Most people with her talent & fame & supermodel looks would be conceited & selfish yet she has the sweetest heart & cares for others with a passion. I am proud to be a Walshie. She is my favorite actress not just because of how well she can ACT (which is Oscar/Emmy deserving-out-of-this-world-AMAZING) but because of her true character in REAL life. I am grateful for her not just on Gratituesdays but Gratieveryday ♥ She's f'awesome :) OH & her Tweets are the best! Also, Walshies (Kate's adore fans who she treats like friends) are just as wonderful as Kate. 
The outpouring of love and support I have gotten from fellow Walshies is incredible... I am making great friends with many of them. They inspire me in more ways that I can count. I'd like to send a shout out to a few of them here and so they can catch a fraction of a glimpse of the adoration I feel in my heart for them... Emma Wicks , Nicole Franco and Hanna Jackson you girls are F'awesome!