Tuesday, December 6, 2011

It Will Rain

Friends are the best.
As I have discussed, the past little while has not been the easiest.
Rain is definitely pouring down on me nonstop so hard that it feels like it threatens to drown and you can't even dance in it.  You're just trying to stay afloat and just keep swimming. The past few days have been full of bad news. I have to admit Nation even I was a little down...
I get to work and my wonderful, amazing friend Paige-Madison surprised me with the most heartfelt letter that was like sunshine breaking through the storm clouds. 
I feel like some days I don't deserve the friends I have because they are so good to me.
Seriously Paige's letter was full of some of the best, most inspiring advice. I'm going to share the advice and inspiration of the letter.
"I love you! You will be okay! I just know it. You're the strongest, kindest girl I've ever met and absolutely will succeed. Think of all the great famous people/champions out there--they almost all have beginnings that were rough, frustrating, and scary--but it made their story that much more amazing in the end. Your story, my story, and many others are being made right now. Sometimes we don't always know why we are tested--but it's for a reason. If we didn't get through some of the trails thrown at us, we wouldn't be us, and we wouldn't be that much happier in the end. Fight girl. You have it in you. Sometimes, when things just couldn't seem to be worse--you just have to smile and know that everything will be okay so long as you're doing the right thing. Heavenly Father answers our prayers in his own way which is the best way. Remember that. He will never hide the reason from us, he will only have us search for it and reveal it when we are ready and it is best."
Love that girl and the words I know to be true in my heart but needed to be reminded of. I can't thank Paige enough for being the sweetest friend a girl could ask for.
Speaking of friends, it was my best friend since I was 4's birthday yesterday!
Happy 23rd Birthday to the incredible Aubrey "Brie" Ann Young :)
 Brie & CiCi

Aubrey & I photoshoot in 2009

 Best friends and rockstars...

 Easter Egging @ Brie's (which was my second home growing up)

 Brie and her equally amazing husband Tyson dancing during the Easter egg decorating session.

 Aubrey, me, & McHale (my little sister).

 The high school years...

Meeting Jesse McCartney (the Justin Bieber of our youth).

Brie isn't just a friend... she is basically my older sister and I'm her younger sister... since I don't have an other sister nor does she have a younger sister (or any for that matter).
The girl inspires me beyond comprehension.
In the words of the Little Rascals, "You only get a once in a lifetime friend, once in a lifetime."
Haha we are writers and journal-ers.
She wrote the following to me yesterday that makes me smile:
"Charley, I love you! I just thought I'd start off by mentioning that because you are awesome! You are thee best BFF ever!
And today, I'm old. That's scary...I'm getting into like my mid twenties. And you're only a year younger so you should be scared too! I can't believe that we aren't still like 17 or something."
The world, especially mine, is better because she is in it. I love my Brie Brie.
For her bday, we went out to dinner at a local restaurant called Tom's (it's amazing) with Tyson and Brie's parents and Heidi (Brie's sister-in-law basically). Then we went to the Young's and had cake... Fun times.
Love you lovelies.