Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Lady Gaga Shaves Her Head for Terry Richardson!

Lady Gaga pulls a Miley not a Britney, and shaves part of her hair off! We'll fill you in. Hey Little Monsters, welcome back to ClevverMusic. As you know, Lady Gaga often wears wigs, so we're not really sure how long or short her real hair is. But we do know, as of last night that Mother Monster has shaved off the back of her hair, and joined the partial-shave-bandwagon. She is the latest celeb to go drastic with a partial hair shaving new 'do.

In a photo posted to to which Gaga also tweeted, it looks as if she has piled her hair high on her head in a bun, and snapped a pic of just the back. You can see in the photo the shaving comes to a point, making a triangle shape, or an upside down V, just above her neck. Also, in the photo we love that you can see on her laptop she is on! The caption on the photo she posted reads: "I did it for u Terry. I'm sorry about ure Mommy. She has princess die but we were all princess high."

The Terry she is referencing is her famous photographer pal Terry Richardson who has done several photoshoots of the star while on her 'Born This Way Ball Tour' and whom she collaborated with on a coffee table photo book. Terry's mother, Annie Lomax, passed away yesterday on September 11th and Gaga is showing her support. "Princess Die" is a reference to Gaga's new song that will likely appear on her upcoming 'ARTPOP' album.

We love that Gaga's new hairstyle isn't the result of the latest trend (or a Britney disaster), but in honor of a dear friend's late mother. There's no doubt in our mind that Gaga is a great friend to those around her, she keeps proving it time after time. What do you think of Gaga's shaved head? just subscribe for all the latest music news, see you soon.