Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Heidi Montag: Plastic Surgery Was Not Smart

For whatever reason, there's been a ton of news about former stars of The Hills lately, despite the show being off the air for two years and mostly contrived nonsense.

Anyway, Heidi Montag plastic surgery is today's topic. Amazingly, she regrets it!

"I would never do it again and I would never recommend it for anyone," Heidi tells Access Hollywood, which somehow interviewed her. "It was  way over my head."

"I should have researched it more ... I wasn't told the repercussions and what would happen emotionally and physically and how much pain I would be in."

Heidi Montag says it was "traumatic" getting 10 plastic surgery procedures in one day.

Nose job, liposuction, breast and butt augmentation, chin reduction. You name it, she had it done. Not just any boob job either. Those things are like size EE.

Nowadays, she says, "I just focus now on being healthy and alive and strong."

Alive, strong and 26 going on 47. Seriously. Check out Heidi Montag nude and contrast it with the fresh-faced gal pictured above. Oldest 26-year-old ever.