Monday, October 22, 2012

Octomom to Mail Lady: Quit Spying on Me!

Octomom believes her mail lady is spying on her, according to reports. We wouldn't be too surprised ... that Octomom is so self-absorbed and paranoid that she believes this.

Nadya Suleman's rep claims she saw someone taking photos of her car Thursday, and that the postal worker claimed she took them because she "wanted one for herself."

Octo and her security team weren't buying it.

She filed a complaint with the Palmdale Postmater for violation of privacy, claiming the mail carrier has been giving out her address and she's noticed an increase in traffic of late.

No word if Nadya believes she's behind the recent egging.

"I am so shocked by the behavior of the USPS, now I know how people have been getting my address. It is very disturbing that this woman is handling my personal mail," Octo told TMZ.

"I certainly hope they are going to take this situation seriously. It is disgusting."

Not as disgusting as the Octomom porn trailer, but close.