Friday, March 8, 2013

How do you like your eggs in the morning?

Breakfast. It's said to be the most important meal of the day and I couldn't agree more. Not because I like to set myself up for the day, oh no, that'd be too sensible, but because I would gladly eat breakfast, as all three of my daily meals. 

Everyone likes different things for breakfast, some opt for something light: fruit, or maybe some yoghurt. Many go for something filling like cereal, or porridge throughout the winter. If they're feeling cultured, may a croissant or some other form of pastry. Toast is a classic, with the wide variety of possible toppings and of course, we can't forget the legendary Great British fry up. 

For me however, I like eggs any which way. Dippy boiled eggs with soldiers are my favourite but in whatever form, they're always a winner for me, that is of course, closely followed by a good ol' bacon sarnie. 

Now, I value sleep so I don't always get up in time for breakfast. In that half an hour it'd take me to make breakfast, I could be in bed. Let's be honest, I need my beauty sleep. Most of the time it's a cereal bar on the way to work or uni. However, I rarely miss out on my breakfast fix as I will often drag breakfast into lunch or even dinner, brunch and 'brinner'. 

Sometimes I'm just not hungry that early, but why should I miss out?

Breakfast just tastes so much better when you don't have it at breakfast time. I don't know whether it's the slightly rebellious nature of it, or if it's just student mentality, but it just works. 

I'd rather have a boiled egg mid-morning and skip lunch. 

Sometimes I have a fry up for dinner, as it's just too heavy in the morning. 

Sometimes I get a toast craving at 9 o'clock in the evening. 

My favourite however, is cereal late at night, when I finish work or whether dinner was just unsubstantial (because it wasn't a breakfast.) Coco Pops with ice cold milk, past midnight, is simply mind blowing. 

To many, this just sounds like an unhealthy lifestyle and to be fair, it probably is, particularly in light of the not so surprising revelations about processed meat in the media this week, but in my household we don't eat to live, we live to eat.

So, I'm particularly enjoying going to Blackhams Tea Rooms at the minute, do you know why? 

Because they serve breakfast all day, every day. 

If it's 12 o'clock or 3 o'clock you can still get a good fry up. None of this McDonalds nonsense where they only serve McMuffins until 10.30 am .. what is with that? 

What's more, if you have a breakfast baguette, they even put salad on the side to make you feel less guilty about the calories. What more could you want?

So you can keep your kisses in the morning Dean, I Iike my eggs with bacon and toast at any hour of the day.