Friday, March 1, 2013

The most annoying daily encounters.

So, there are things that we all encounter daily, that just seem to annoy me more than most. They're just small, tiny, insignificant, little things, that have the capability to just wind me right up.

1. Weathermen: 

Now weathermen in general annoy the entire nation with their constant bad news or inaccurate predictions, but this guy in particular, I just can't stand. His whiney little voice, the overly joyful way he tells you the nation's under water, even the way he's so enthusiastic about the green screen behind him. Seeing him after a stressful day is the last thing you need. 

2. Spoilt children: 

I used to be pretty tolerant of children, even quite like them, that was until I started working in a restaurant in which the parents just seem to let their children run wild like it's Charlie Chalks. They throw tantrums, shout at their parents, run around grinning at me like Satan. Some of them are scary, some just annoying, but most are worrying, if they're brats now, they're only going to become worse adults.

3. That leads me onto point number three: manners. They cost nothing, simple things like smiling, opening doors, saying please and thank you. They're the most basic things you're taught as a child, or at least I was anyway, but people seem to be becoming more and more rude and not just children, adults as well. If everyone was that little bit politer, the world would be a more pleasant place. 

4. Family Guy: 

I'm running the risk here, of becoming public enemy number #1 of my generation, but I just don't understand it. My brothers seem to watch it constantly and that awful theme tune and stupid voice just grates me the wrong way. The humour's immature, the illustration poor, and quite frankly if you're still watching cartoons after the age of 16, you just need to get a life. 

5. Traffic Lights 

I hate to think how much of my life I waste sitting at traffic lights. Where I live, there is a set of four way traffic lights so I sit in these a good couple of times a day. If I go through town, I have to add at least ten minutes to my journey if I want to get anywhere on time and if I am running late, you can guarantee, they'll be more than one set of road works in the 20  miles to university. These lights just pick on me. Just when I think I can make it, they change. They just enjoy taunting me to be honest. 

So there you have it. Five fairly mundane things which are certain to utterly destroy what was a perfectly good day, or add to a miserable day, turning me into the Incredible Hulk.